USMLE Exam Day Advice Copy

What to expect on the USMLE exam day

These are the most important facts you must watch before taking the USMLE exam
It is crucial to practice at least once a full-length timed exam trying to simulate the conditions in which the test occurs normally. For achieving that, you can use the different organizations that have created self-assessments for evaluation of your performance such as the National Boards of Medical Examiners (NBME) or Uworld. Simulate a 7 blocks examination that you can take during a time of 8 hours because that is how the real exam will be. You can find more information about the self-assessment exams for practice before the real USMLE Step 1 exam in the following links:
NBME Self-Assessment Services
USMLE World (UWorld)

Download Your USMLE Exam Day ritual Book

USMLE Exam Day Ritual Ebook: What to do the day before your USMLE examRead this before your USMLE exam day! or you are doomed.