What to expect on the USMLE exam day
These are the most important facts you must watch before taking the USMLE exam
It is crucial to practice at least once a full-length timed exam trying to simulate the conditions in which the test occurs normally. For achieving that, you can use the different organizations that have created self-assessments for evaluation of your performance such as the National Boards of Medical Examiners (NBME) or Uworld. Simulate a 7 blocks examination that you can take during a time of 8 hours because that is how the real exam will be. You can find more information about the self-assessment exams for practice before the real USMLE Step 1 exam in the following links:
NBME Self-Assessment Services
USMLE World (UWorld)
Download Your USMLE Exam Day ritual Book
USMLE Exam Day Ritual Ebook: What to do the day before your USMLE examRead this before your USMLE exam day! or you are doomed.